Prices per person

Ages 0-10: $150 (No Xray required)
Ages 11-14: $150 + $50 for Xray (Total $200)
Ages 15+: $200 + $50 for Xray (Total $250)

Cash / Debit Only
(Credit Card is extra $10 transaction fee)

*Refugee Claimants are covered with valid Blue Cross insurance

Required Tests:
– 5+ years of of age require testing
– 11+ years of age require X-ray
– 15+ years of age require blood testing

Our Clinic Services:

– Immigration Examination & Blood Testing (Age 0-14): $200.00
– Immigration Examination & Blood Testing (Age 15+Older): $250.00
– Chest X-Ray: $50 (Over the age of 11)
– New Zealand Medical Exams: $250 for Medical and $50 for Xray ($300 Total)
– Furtherance – $50: Furtherances are for any additional visits for additional testing or counselling that is required by the IRCC.

*Refugee claimants are covered fully with valid Bluecross insurance